GCC organization charts & department services guides are live on the Employee Intranet (EI). You can find them at employees.gccaz.edu/org-chart or you can navigate to them from the EI home page, under GCC Quick Links - Administrative Organization Charts (GCC).
This extensive and broad-reaching initiative is the result of feedback received from the 2021 Employee Satisfaction Survey. The ACES committee led this work and set the project in motion by creating a template for the service guides, collecting the information, and securing organization charts across all areas of campus.
A significant amount of behind-the-scenes work went into this project; however, the work is not done. To keep the information timely, the org charts will be updated every six months, and the services guides will be revised as processes, procedures and staffing changes are made.
Many groups and departments were instrumental in seeing this project through to its successful completion. We would like to recognize the following faculty and staff for their contributions.
ACES sub-committee #4 - Publish Organization Charts
• Lyle Clark
• Patti Curtis
• Auggi Erpelding
• Nanette Espinocilla
• Heather McAnerney
• Rico Moran
• Jeanne Saint-Amour
ACES sub-committee #5 - Service Level Agreements
• Kim Golis
• Al Gonzales
• Sabra Greisman
• Kerry Mitchell
• Rico Moran
• Pam Nelson
• Sandi Reyes
• Isaiah Washington
ACES committee members also involved and not already named
• Angie Acuña
• Margo Bates
• Cheryl Colan
• Laura Dodrill
• Willie Jackson
• Angela Jorda
• Jessie Leach
• Rashmi Menon
• Christine Neill
• Chris Nielson
• Scarlett Perry
• Kory Richardson
• Kirt Shineman
A special nod of appreciation goes to the following individuals for their work in formatting all of the org charts into a standardized look.
• Esmeralda Acosta
• Marie Chandler
• Nanette Espinocilla
• Renee Nash
We would also like to recognize the work of the GCC Web Team for their work getting all of the content onto the Employee Intranet and creating a seamless user interface experience.
• Dave Fraedrich
• John Heckenlaible
• Yvonne McMillan
• Jason Sadler
• Justin Terry
Thanks to everyone for their investment of time and skills, as well as their commitment to a better GCC.
Process for Making Changes and Updates
Org Charts
The organizational charts will be updated twice a year; at the beginning of the fall semester and also at the beginning of the spring semester. There will be a call-out to all departments requesting any updates to org charts content and structure
Service Guides
The information can be updated on an as-needed basis. With the approval of the department leadership, a Website Change Request form needs to be filled out and submitted. The Web Team usually completes requests within 48 business hours, however response times might be longer if the request is complicated, or the production queue is full.