We are excited to bring a month of volunteer activities on campus this April! Get ready to participate in some wonderful mini-volunteer projects where students, faculty, and staff can participate in hands-on volunteerism.
E-passports will be provided at each event to track participation for students (to be then shared with faculty for extra credit), as well as the opportunity for students to win prizes for participation. A HUGE 'Thank You' to our friends in Student Leadership for the prizes! Find the full calendar of events and more information about Volunteer Month at www.gccaz.edu/volunteer.
This week we are kicking off our Hygiene Donation Drive benefitting Native American Connections. Donations are being accepted March 26th through April 15th for hygiene kits to support the Native American community. Donation boxes are located in the Student Union Dining Area, Career Services, Library, Fitness Center, HT2, Faculty Offices 05 and Life Sciences (Main Campus), and in the Chinle Building Lobby and Fitness Center (North Campus). On Wednesday, April 17, we will pack hygiene kits as our mini volunteer project.
What can you donate?
You can donate any of the following items listed in any size:
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Body Wash
- Women’s Personal Hygiene (tampons, pads)
- Socks (men and women)
- Lotion
- Bar Soap
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrush
Please share these wonderful opportunities with your students! We also encourage faculty and staff looking for a brain break during the day to come out and spend some time volunteering. Why? Because doing good does you good!