Committee on Professional Rights and Responsibilities
Composition – The chair of the Committee on Professional Rights and Responsibilities shall be elected from the membership of the Committee. The Faculty Senate President shall appoint at least three (3) Active Members of the Senate to the Committee. Additional Faculty members will be called from the general Faculty with a minimum committee membership of five (5).
Voting – On any vote deemed appropriate by the committee, a quorum of the committee must be present. Voting shall be based on majority rule. The Chair shall not be a voting member in cases of a tie vote. If a committee member is a complainant in the case, then this member shall not be a voting member for this particular complaint.
Responsibility & Scope – The Committee on Professional Rights and Responsibilities shall uphold faculty rights to include advising and assisting faculty with interpreting the RFA and other District and College policies, rules, regulations and contracts such as they pertain to the investigation of any written complaints of alleged violations of same.
Meetings – the Committee on Professional Rights and Responsibilities shall meet as needed.
Reports – The Committee on Professional Rights and Responsibilities shall report their activities on a regular basis to the Senate.
Procedures – Procedures will be in adherence with, not in place of, current guidelines and procedures in the RFA.
PRRC General Protocol
- A written complaint and associated details are to be provided to the committee from a complainant utilizing an electronic form provided by the committee. The complaint is then submitted digitally directly to committee members. It is strongly suggested that information within the complaint should not be discussed with anyone other than the committee prior to the commencement of the investigation.
- The committee decides upon an informal or formal approach to the complaint upon the first meeting or after the first review of materials.
- For formal investigations, the committee members compile and unify questions needed to clarify the complaint.
- The committee chair is responsible for distributing questions to the complainant.
- The committee meets with the complainant and/or other witnesses to obtain their responses regarding the questions provided.
- The committee discusses the results of interviews and investigations. The presence of the complainant and guests during this discussion occurs at the pleasure of the committee.
- The committee decides upon suggested next steps, including voting on how to proceed.
- The committee reports the findings of their research/investigation to the complainant. The committee shall determine other parties who may need to be contacted regarding the resolution. If no further action is necessary, the PRRC committee chair reports to the Senate that a complaint was received but that no action was needed or taken.
- If further action is necessary or the committee suggests a course of action, the committee forwards the findings to the Faculty Senate President. The PRRC committee chair then presents a limited summary of complaint to the Faculty Senate. Should further action be necessary (e.g., a Senate resolution), details beyond the limited summary may be requested by Senate membership, as long as it does not interfere with complainant confidentiality.
PRRC Request for Investigation
Form to be filled by the complainant to begin the process of the initial investigation of the complaint sent to PRRC (Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee)
Committee Members for AY2023-24
Senate Members:
Chair: Erik Gergus
Jill Ocano
Chuck Hulihann
Aubrei Smith
Angela Schwendiman
Todd Polansky
Non-Senate Members:
David Boninger
Roxanna Dewey
Separate/off-campus contact email for the PRRC: